Synthetic hyaluronic acid – good for your cosmetics?
Hyaluronic acid is an important component of our body and occurs naturally in it. For this reason, it is also produced synthetically to enhance the positive effects and plump up the tissue of your skin. This makes synthetic hyaluronic acid an extremely powerful ingredient. But who should use the additive and in which cases are natural substances better? That's exactly what we'll show you in this article in the lexicon.
That's why hyaluronic acid is a popular active ingredient
Hardly any other ingredient fulfills as many tasks in the body as hyaluronic acid. It is important for both the joints and the structure of your skin in order to support the body's cellular tissue. The ability of synthetic hyaluronic acid to bind water ensures a permanently elastic and reliable skin structure. This generally applies to all skin types.
A look at the many products that contain synthetic hyaluronic acid reveals a variety of different cosmetics. The acid is often found in items for oily skin or combination skin, as both skin types rely on additional moisture. Synthetic hyaluronic acid is also becoming a very popular choice for anti-aging products, as it can effectively smooth wrinkles on your face over time by binding water.
This is how the types of hyaluronic acid differ
However, the hyaluronic acid that you will find in the list of ingredients is not always exactly the same. This is mainly because not only synthetic hyaluronic acid can be used to supplement your cosmetics. Below we will introduce you to the three main types in more detail and show you what effect hyaluronic acid can have on your skin.
- Natural hyaluronic acid
Natural hyaluronic acid is primarily acids from animal tissue. Nowadays, however, it has almost completely disappeared from the market because the animal proteins cannot be completely removed. The residues can sometimes trigger allergies.
- Botanical hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid can now also be obtained from plants. This applies, for example, to the Chinese trembling fungus, whose molecular structure is very similar to the hyaluronic acid found in the human body. The full effect is achieved by combining it with water or glycerin.
- Synthetic hyaluronic acid
The biotechnological production involves synthetic hyaluronic acid. Here the proteins are fermented directly from yeast strains, which is done with the help of bacteria. Thanks to additional cleaning processes, the biomass becomes significantly purer in a direct comparison.
This cosmetic contains synthetic hyaluronic acid
A look at the many cosmetics shows that synthetic hyaluronic acid is anything but a rare additive. The positive properties can be transferred not only in the form of supervised injections, but also through treatment with creams or serums. Those who choose synthetic hyaluronic acid usually have a variety of different options. Most types of hyaluronic acid reveal a plumping and smoothing effect that can strengthen the skin.
The synthetic hyaluronic acid also forms an intensive film on the skin to prevent water from escaping from the skin any longer. This tightens the skin right from the first application and sustainably improves the complexion. Moisturizing gels in particular use synthetic hyaluronic acid to strengthen your skin and simplify treatment.
A very interesting choice for skin and joints
Overall, there are a variety of possible applications for synthetic hyaluronic acid. This applies, for example, to the areas of skin in question, but also to your joints. In the past, hyaluronic acid was specifically developed by doctors to treat osteoarthritis in joints. The acid is injected directly into the diseased joint to supplement the hyaluronic acid that is already present in the synovial fluid. This prevents friction between the joint bones.
In addition to the areas mentioned, natural or synthetic hyaluronic acid is also used in other medical fields. Due to its moisturizing effect, it is also suitable for eye drops or nasal sprays. Both dry eyes and dry nasal mucous membranes can be easily treated in this way and strengthened in the long term.
Is the use of synthetic hyaluronic acid safe?
Since hyaluronic acid is also a natural active ingredient in your skin, you don't have to worry about side effects in many cases. However, this is not always so easy, especially in the area of synthetic hyaluronic acids, as allergic reactions cannot be ruled out for every skin type. In individual cases, gels with hyaluronic acid can lead to bruising, color changes, fluid retention or hypersensitivity around your skin.
For cosmetics in which synthetic hyaluronic acid is present as a low-dose ingredient, the side effects are significantly lower. However, things are different with an injection of pure hyaluronic acid. This should only be done under medical supervision in order to always avoid possible risks. However, check in advance whether your cosmetic products contain sodium hyaluronate.
Find out more about the ingredients in your cosmetics now!
Synthetic hyaluronic acid is a hotly debated ingredient because its positive effects are not always so safe. Nevertheless, the acid in cosmetics naturally offers a strong and far-reaching effect. If you want to find out more about synthetic and natural cosmetic ingredients, it's worth taking a look at our ingredients directory. This quickly makes it clear which functions you can rely on and what is worth it in the long term.